WHEN: Friday, October 22 and Saturday, October 23
WHERE: Zoom (link to be provided)
WHAT: Gearing Up For NaNoWriMo – Whether you do NaNoWriMo or not
Join authors Cat Rambo and Christine Taylor-Butler on Zoom to learn some skills and tools that will help you knock out that first draft fast!
Friday, October 22nd, 5:30 pm, Pacific
Plotting for NaNoWriMo with Cat Rambo
(description TBD)
Saturday, October 23rd, 9:30 am, Pacific
Scrivener for Beginners with Christine Taylor-Butler ~ Getting ready for a big project? Or just want to get through NaNoWriMo while keeping track of word count? Do you just want to keep all your ideas on a giant “to be written” parking lot? Christine Taylor-Butler shows how Scrivener became her writer’s equivalent of a Swiss Army knife for keeping nonfiction research, book projects and client files organized. Whether you are a pantser, or a plotter, come learn a few tricks. You’ll never look at post it notes the same way.
Each session will run about 75 minutes. All times are Pacific Time Zone. The registration fee is $60 for one session or $100 for both. Registration is closed.
Scholarship application deadline has passed. Please note that our Reed scholarship has already been awarded. However, we are extending the deadline for the SWOC scholarship through Thursday, October 21.

Cat Rambo lives, writes, and teaches atop a hill in the Pacific Northwest. Her 200+ fiction publications include stories in Asimov’s, Clarkesworld Magazine, and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. She is an Endeavour, Nebula, and World Fantasy Award nominee. Her 2018 works include Hearts of Tabat (novel, WordFire Press) and the 3rd edition of nonfiction Creating an Online Presence for Writers. She is the current President of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA). For more about her, as well as links to her fiction and her popular online school, The Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers, see http://www.kittywumpus.net. Go to top
Christine Taylor-Butler grew up in Ohio, near one of the best libraries in the world. Her passion for writing developed early but her writing career took a circuitous route that included a New England boarding school, two MIT degrees and a series of jobs that included working for a start-up software company followed by several years at Harvard University and more than a decade as a Graphic Arts Manager at Hallmark Cards. She recognized the lack of diversity in publishing and the resultant representation, so lent her voice to help bring changes that would benefit all children. She has since written sixty-five commercial publications, learning a great deal about writing, publishing, and children along the way. Go to top